Supported living provided for those with mental health and learning disability needs
A shared housing set-up in various locations across West Yorkshire, in which three or four service users each maintain an individual tenancy.
A member of CareTech staff will support you in finding accommodation that supports your personal needs and future goals. We have strong partnerships with a number of housing associations as well as private landlords, so we have access to a range of options.
We work only with private landlords who are listed as responsible landlords within the local authority in which they rent their property.
CareTech also encourage supported living cluster schemes, where you are encouraged to hold your own tenancy, with the support you need to live independently.
In places under this scheme, there is also a communal facility on site, with access to a member of staff 24 hours a day if needed.
Contact :
Emily Cooper Unit 2706 The Sugar Mill Oakhurst Road Leeds LS11 7HL
0113 272 6020