Successful outcomes

Case studies

Alan Banks

A 28-year-old male with a mental health diagnosis moved from living with his parents into independent living with support. Before moving into his own flat he spent most of his days sleeping, keeping his curtains closed to keep the world out. He did not engage in any activities within the community, and rarely engaged with the family he lived with. He had become a very isolated young man, experiencing mostly depression phases – life was a struggle.

After moving into his own flat he has become so much more independent. He accesses the community on a regular basis, whether it be to attend sessions at the gym, to go on long hikes, to attend appointments, to complete his grocery shopping, to meet up with friends or to visit his family, he is out and about most days. He sets an alarm on a daily basis to ensure that he is up, not only for staff calling, but he often has a to do list for the day ahead.

Staff were visiting twice daily to support him with the general aspects of day to day living, but since having the first three-monthly review, his support hours have been halved. He is now independent with every aspect of daily life and manages all finances, utilities and self well-being without support. A young man who has blossomed from being given the opportunity to live independently and access support when required.


“I feel very happy here. Staff are really good.”
– Sally Baxter

Individuals were spoken to regarding their views on their involvement in decision making about their care and treatment. All the individuals spoken to stated that they felt very involved in their care and support.

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